Welcome to The Summer of Motherhood

Welcome to The Summer of Motherhood


Welcome to The Summer of Motherhood!


Consider this your invitation to step into a Summer of Motherhood in all it's glory.  I'm warmly welcoming you to walk with me in this journey.  

A couple of weeks ago, I began panicking as I prepared myself for my children to be home all summer with me.  I mean, I was a stay at home mom for 7 years before both kids went to school, why would I panic?  I've done this all before.

But, this summer felt like a different opportunity.  It's the first summer break with 2 school aged children.  Jackson just completed Kindergarten and Caleb finished up 2nd grade.  I felt like I needed to make up for lost time.

I had made lists and sought out opportunities.  I had planned all the things fun things to do, schedules to keep us in routine, and more.  While I think that's still very important and will share a lot of that with you this summer through the blog-- something just felt different.

I felt an overwhelming need to just surrender this summer to the Lord and walk into it with Him.  He shifted my heart the day before the last day of school.


Lord, we surrender our summer plans to you.

We can schedule and plan all we want, but what we want more is for YOU to be the center of it all.

Lord, summer is the sweetest of times.

Please help us disciple our children to know and love you.

May we lead the summer with an open hand for what You have for us.

In Jesus's Name, Amen


Sweet Friends, I'm praying over you this summer.  That you may remember you aren't alone in parenting.  That you have the Ultimate Guide ready, wiling, and able to walk alongside you daily.  He goes before you and His way is far better than what we can imagine.  

Hopefully, you'll take away new wisdom on how to manage motherhood this summer!


Now-- You might be asking yourself, "what can I expect from this blog series?"

We are going to have a lot of fun!  I'm going to share activities you can do with your family!  We are going to discuss some things to help you disciple them.  This will include things like resources to help, but also things like household responsibilities.  I'm going to give you some tips to help ease the burden of managing meals and laundry and SO MUCH MORE!  All things motherhood this summer!

If you're not a mother, stick around!  I'm sure there's still something you'll find helpful and feel free to share the posts with your friends and family, too.

We will be posting every Tuesday and Friday, if the Lord is willing, and you won't want to miss the next post in this series!  We are going to be talking about all the FREE and Cheap Things to do this summer with your family!


You are loved.

Praying for you,






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