Summer break has officially commenced and so many of you wanted this particular blog post bumped to the top of the posting schedule.
I didn't realize this particular topic was going to be in such high demand, but I am so happy that I can share a little wisdom this summer.
You see, I have one child who can go with the flow and I have another who sometimes struggles with executive function and in turn thrives on schedules and checklist. Knowing what to expect next or daily is incredibly helpful for him. This also helps stop the questions "what do I do now, what's next, what are we doing today", you know that kind of thing.
To be honest, that's me, too. I am much more productive and less stressed when I know what to do and expect.
So, I created a series of checklists for the boys for the summer using words and visuals (mainly for my upcoming 1st grader who isn't a fluent reader just yet).
I place these checklists in places where they need the reminders daily. For anyone who has ADD or ADHD, you know the more you create muscle memory for yourself the easier your life flows. So, eventually it will become second nature and you won't need a checklist because you'll know exactly what to do. This is what I'm trying to create for my kiddos this summer.
We have 3 checklists throughout the house. This is incredibly helpful for redirection as well. If they ask for screen time or what they need to be doing, I can prompt them to take a peek at their checklist and see where they are for the day.
So, what are these 3 checklists anyway? Let's break each of them down!
We have one checklist in each of their bedrooms. This is a checklist for things that need to be completed upon waking and before they leave their room each morning.
The next checklist we have is in our kitchen area. I chose to place it here because it's a high traffic area and stays in sight often (you know the breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 47 snacks a day...more on this later in the blog series, too). This checklist is for their daily chores and routine before getting screen time (this is also so we don't fall prey to excessive screen time during the summer...more on this later in the series...see a theme yet? :) ). These checklists are individualized to each child based on age and responsibilities (also more to come on this. ha!.... I told you this summer blog series was going to be a good one!)
The last checklist in our home is in the bathroom. This is a checklist of their shower/night routine to prepare for bed. Head's up for the BOY MOMS...I even detail for the boys to lift the potty seat and AIM! We need to be that detailed here! haha! You feel me?!
I place each checklist in a page protector sleeve and have dry erase markers for them to check off daily. It allows them to erase the marks with ease. You can also find dry erase page sleeves or laminate them. But I chose the page protector and unaesthetic piece of painter's tape to hold them up to protect the wall. Works perfectly for us!