Managing Summer Meals

Managing Summer Meals

Y'all, I think we make this meal thing a whole lot harder than we need to.
I came to the quick realization recently that my kids are in their own routine with school lunch options.  Why would I make it so much more difficult for myself during the summer?
If your kids aren't school aged, yet, then you may not fully understand this or maybe you can remember back to when you were in school yourself.  Anyway, the kids go to school knowing they can either pack their lunch or have what the school offers.  Easy peasy.  No arguing. No questioning what's to eat.  They know their options and that's that.
So, I decided for the summer to do the exact same thing.
I created a breakfast and lunch menu.  Each morning, they go to the calendar and see what's on the menu for the day.
For breakfast, the protein and fruit tend to be the same.  Things like bacon, sausage, or eggs and strawberries, bananas, apples, grapes, ororanges for breakfast.  Then I have a rotating schedule of things like cinnamon rolls, biscuits, toast, cereal (rare because I want to keep them full for awhile), and more.
Lunch acts similar as breakfast.  My kids don't eat a lot of vegetables so I don't even put them on the menu.  For exposure, I can place a carrot, cucumber, celery, etc. on their plates.  Sometimes, they eat them.  Sometimes, they don't.  I can offer it at least.  Fruit it always on the menu in the same capacity as breakfast.  Then I, once again, have a rotating schedule for the main portion of their meal.  That may look like naan pizza, cheese quesadillas, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets, etc.  I have one kid who is REALLY picky and one who isn't very picky anymore.  I don't prefer to cook multiple meals so I make something they both eat for lunch.
My main thing is to offer a protein, fruit/veggie, carb, fat. I try to offer something that is well rounded to keep them full for awhile.  
For those wondering: I do keep a dinner menu, but only recently have I really tried to stay with it.  I tend to keep it loose with a variety of easy meals and difficult ones.  This way if it's a busier night than expected, I can swap meals with another night to match my need.
I also keep a list of approved snack options.  Snacks are huge to manage in the summer.  Otherwise, you're the snack slave.  Your kids will be asking every 5 minutes for a snack and I think I can speak for us all...we don't want that.  We've set 2 snack times in between our 3 meals.  They tend to eat about every 2-3 hours.  
I actually purchased 2 weeks worth of snacks at once and told them they had to make it last.  No more running out for their favorite things they ate completely first.  If we have to get creative with things like graham crackers and peanut butter, we will.  This will help them with the realization of no refills until grocery day.
So, friends.  Let's not make this harder than we need to!  A lot of keeping your peace as a mom is setting your kids up for success which in return sets you up for success.  Setting expectations from the beginning and sticking to it helps tremendously.
You will know exactly what to purchase for the menu and what to fix each day.  They don't have the same thing every day and know exactly what they'll be eating each day.  I don't know about you, but I consider that a win all around.
Even better, if you're kids are getting a bit older, teach them to take on some of the responsibility.  One day, they won't need you to do it because you'll have instilled the skills for them!  For example: My kids love the Kodak protein pancakes.  I have successfully taught Caleb how to microwave those so when he's hungry and I'm slow to get breakfast going for whatever reason, he can start that part himself and he feels incredibly accomplished and needed!
If you want to snag the simple meal calendar, click here.
1. It's in a PDF format.
2. Click File + Download.
3. Print Document.
3. Fill in with your own meals.
Want a sample of what mine might look like?
Take a look. 
I hope this helps you manage summer a little bit more!
You are loved!
Praying for you,
-Cara, The Quiver Full Momma
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